05601 568 251

Don't let the market cloud your judgement

Empowering SMEs with affordable Corporate IT - and the service levels associated with Enterprise class performance, scalability, flexibility and security is a challenge typically beyond your budget and traditional IT product solutions suppliers' capabilities.
Cloud Computing appears to tick the box for all of the above.
It is the platform on which to build your expanding business - affordable 'pay-as-you-use' utility based services, taking advantage of secure, optimised, high availability, server and data storage technologies together with creative access to application software licencing.

However, in order to ensure that your data is secure and available anytime, any place, anywhere, you need a service partner that can deliver all aspects of the Cloud management chain - a partner with state of the art data centre footprint, core competency in server, data, security and network management services, all delivered under clearly defined SLAs with 24x7x365 support.

Want to find out more?

Talk to 2M Networks we also tick the box for all of the above. In fact, we've been delivering these services and more since long before the first Clouds gathered!

What is cloud computing?

Ever wanted to provide your Business Users with the capability to access their data and applications as easily as Home Users access Amazon, You Tube and Facebook? Log-in through a browser: whenever and from wherever YOU want them to, quickly, simply and securely, conduct their business, update and save their work and then move on to the next task?

Great idea in theory?
Great idea in practice!

Cloud Computing is a formal structure of hosted hardware, software and managed services which can be delivered when you need them, on a monthly rental basis, to ensure that your business can operate at maximum efficiency, without the need to commit to high levels of up front capital investment. Rather than having to purchase, install, configure, upgrade and support your own server, application and data management systems, Cloud Computing delivers a fully hosted and managed utility based monthly payment alternative whereby you are provided with guaranteed levels of performance and availability, with the ability to add and remove services as your business needs them, with maximum flexibility of access.

To underpin our Cloud Computing services, 2M Networks has committed significant levels of funding and fully accredited in-house product/service management resources to our data centre, communications and support infrastructure to ensure that we can provide complete flexibility for your IT requirements - leaving you free to focus your own investment and resource where it most matters - on developing your core business!
For a full demonstration of how our Cloud Computing services can benefit your business click here

The benefits of the 2M Networks cloud computing solution include:-

  • Cost effective - provides enterprise computing power at SME pricing
  • Affordable - no upfront investment, just 'pay as you use'
  • High availability - our investment in multiple virtual servers across a number of data centres ensures minimal downtime
  • Resource optimisation - load-balances virtual machines across the pool of physical servers, in order to accommodate increased customer demand while ensuring the stability of physical hardware
  • Green computing - reduced power consumption and CO2 emissions
  • Scalability - enables additional capacity to be easily added and removed based on fluctuating needs. Customers can increase computing resources without the time and expense required to provision new hardware and bandwidth
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