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Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions. If you can't find answers to your questions please contact our sales team who will be happy to answer any additional questions you may have

FAQ is split into the following categories:


Is the cloud shared with other businesses and users around the world?
Our cloud is a fully managed virtualisation platform with a pool of resources for customers to use and share. Our cloud uses VMware's Enterprise ESX platform to provide completely isolated virtual machines per customer to ensure complete data security.


Can we have our own cloud solution accessed only by us?
Yes, this is provided by our custom package. Contact us to discuss further.
Do I still need antivirus products when using cloud computing?
Yes, we would recommend using your own antivirus products to protect your PCs. The standard and enterprise service include AV and spam filtering for your email. Take a look at our additional services page for Web content filtering to provide protection from web base attacks.
What happens if someone leaves our company and we no longer want them to have access to our data?
You can contact our support team and the account password can either be changed or the account removed.
Can we mix our internal applications with the cloud?
Yes, there are various links within the hosting platform and applications to allow internal application connectivity. If you have any specific requirements then the custom hosting option may suit. Please contact our sales team for more information.


Can we phase migrate to a cloud solution over a period?
Migration to the cloud is a straight forward process. To discuss your migration requirements in more detail please contact our sales team.
We have ten users that currently remotely VPN in to our on-site server. What happens when we move the applications to the cloud?
Cloud applications don't require any special VPN setup. We use SSL encryption via a standard web browser to run all applications and hosted Exchange. The remote users would simply discontinue with the VPN setting and connect directly into the secure cloud.
Can we move all our applications to the cloud?
Most applications will work in the cloud, however there are some exceptions. To discuss a particular application and its requirement please contact our sales team.


Can we install our own software to a cloud solution?
Yes, on our customised solution. Please contact our sales team to confirm your requirements and if your application is supported.
Can we buy our software from another provider but still use it on the cloud?
Yes, as long as the application would be supported by the cloud platform. The exception to this would be Microsoft applications, which must be purchased through the cloud provider.

Backups and Redundancy

Can the cloud go down?
The cloud is a pool of resources of hardware, software and connectivity. In order to optimise uptime, we provide a cloud of multiple resources, minimising single point of failure by configuring N+1 redundancy, automatic service failover and load balancing technologies.
Is our data backup in the cloud?
Yes. The standard, enterprise and custom solutions all have data backup options.
What happens if a laptop or desktop stops working?
If the issues are with the laptop or desktop system you will need to contact your IT support company. We will work with your chosen support company once the laptop or desktop system is back up and running to re-connect you to the cloud.
How do we backup our data on cloud computing?
We provide backup services for you on the standard, enterprise and custom products. You can also utilise your own backup software internally if required.


When I am out of the office can I still access my data?
Yes, access is provided via a web interface to your Outlook, files and hosted application.
Do we still require an internal firewall?
A firewall on your network isn't a requirement, however most networks will require some type of firewall router to connect to the internet. As the hosted cloud service use their own encryption there is no need for additional hardware to start using our service.
If I lose my internet connection can I still access my applications and data?
Your account is not linked to any specific connection. You can access your data wherever you can obtain an internet connection.
Do I need to buy my internet access from the cloud computing supplier?
No. Although we provide a wide range of connection options (see additional services) you can use any internet connection.
What internal IT equipment do I need to access the cloud?
Any standard PC with a web browser and an internet connection. To use some of the Outlook features you will need to have a copy of Outlook 2007.


If I forget my password what happens next?
Please contact our support team who will arrange a password reset for you.
We often work between 9pm and 3am due to our business with other countries around the world, what happens if one of the users has technical issues?
You will need to look at our enterprise or custom options which provide 24x7 cover for your platform.
Who supports the cloud?
Support is provided by us directly.
What onsite support do I need for cloud computing?
We recommend you continue to contract an onsite support company to deal with day to day workstation issues. All hosted services and applications are supported remotely by our support team. If necessary we have remote support utilities which allow us to view your screen to help resolve your issue.


How many users can I have on my cloud computing solution?
The products are split into sizing categories where we recommend maximum user volumes and space. If your requirements don't fit within these products please contact us regarding our custom solution where we can design a platform to suit you user volume and data storage requirements
Can I increase or decrease the number of users on my cloud?
Yes, you can amend the user numbers up and down within the product package you have chosen. If you would like more users than the package supports, we can upgrade you to the next product level.
How much does it cost to setup a cloud computing solution?
There are no setup costs to our cloud computing offering. All you pay is the monthly package fee. Pricing can be found on our product page
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